how to pull an all nighter.

I am a natural nocturnal so I don’t have any problems with staying awake at night time, but on occasion there have been times where I have needed to stay up to finish course work and have struggled to keep on going. Here are my six secrets to pulling an all nighter.

Eat Up!
Carbs keep your body going which means its harder for your body and mind to settle down once you have eaten. Foods such as cereal, almonds and bananas are great and also healthy!

Make a Brew.
Red Bull and black coffee does the trick for me. I find that green tea, earl grey and lady grey are a little too light to keep me awake.

Keep on Going.
Don’t stop to ‘rest you’re eyes’ .. We all know what you’re really trying to do 😉

Crank that music up.
Music gets your body pumping, if you’re working in silence it will slowly but surely help you to drift off. Choose a list of upbeat songs but ones that won’t distract you from your work.

Take a Break.
Take short and often breaks every half an hour. During those breaks  do some exercises; squats, push-ups, star jumps or maybe a quick jog around the neighbourhood.

Shock Yourself.
In the morning start your day off with a freezing, and I mean freezing! Warm showers are made to relax you, cold showers are made to shock you, wake you up and refresh you.

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